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Ellen Grade 10-17-2013 5:52 PM
This was sent to Peter Austin Noto .Com
Peter Austin Noto or myself did not know
Shirley Sender but the last line struck a cord
Just felt this should be posted

Weist-Barron Studios


Hello Dear Weist Barron Family
Sadly I have to share the news that our wonderful instructor and friend Shirley Sender passed away on Tuesday Oct 15.
Shirley was teaching up to the middle of the summer when some gall bladder problems sidetracked her.
After a series of tests it was discovered she had liver cancer. She could not tolerate the chemo and was so weakened she developed pneumonia. When she was well enough to go home she decided against any more treatments and began to make final preparations.
Shirley decided to go home to her house in Pittsburg. Unfortunately she never made it. Enroute she became ill again while visiting family in Baltimore and had to be hospitalized. This was Oct 3. She was placed in hospice this past weekend and luckily a group of NY friends were able to make a trip down to see her over the weekend.
Suzy Friedman called me Tuesday with the news. She had just received an email from Shirley's friend Jackie.
It was very fast and I hope they gave her all the drugs possible. I know she would have loved that.
Difficult to believe I will never talk to her again, or read the horroscopes with her and share a laugh, or share a joint with her at a party.
She was a great heart and a great party gal. A truth teller and a true friend. She touched all the lives of the students she taught, and every actor who auditioned for her in her many years in casting. The WB staff will miss her greatly even as we are grateful to have known her as long as we did.

When I last talked to Shirley while she was trying to get better, she told me how grateful she was for the cards and letters some of the staff had sent. I'm so glad you did.
Suzy Friedman told me she had a dream about Shirley in August. In it she was walking like a girl without any hip pain and her beautiful hair was swinging down her back and her eyes were sparkling blue. That's the way to remember her.

Hold and kiss the person dearest to you. It goes away so fast.

I will keep you posted about any services. We all hold memorials for Shirley in our hearts.
All times are MT (US).
All dates are in Month-Day-Year format.
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