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LEGEND       LEGEND@LEGEND.COM 2-28-2013 7:13 PM
let me tell u story ... there is the guy .. like a knight .. a prince .. or even a king .... that’s out in the wilderness ........... the woods
the ................. somewhere ........... and he's searching .................. for his queen.
she's very beautiful ...and either has straight beautiful hair ...or curly beautiful hair ( hope its not wet) an sometimes her hair is just wavy
so the knight ..prince ..king is out there in the dark all alone .. battling the animals in the scary woods . . hoping to save his queen
now I must put the book down cause stories like these always put you to sleep ........... so sleep good . .I just kissed ur far head . . . .
shhhhhhhhhhhhhh quiet
MEEKAKITTY       MEEKAKITTY@everybody 3-10-2013 7:16 PM
let me tell you a story . . . . .here’s the outline . . the guy loves this girl . .she was his life . . .the girl is taken away . .the guy is heart broken
now the guy . . .like Rambo . .lol . . . .is trying to find her . . . . . .now you try to go to sleep .. or have a good lunch .. or laugh .
an remember . . there is that guy ........... .. .that loves you . . . . . . .. .. .so now I kiss u on the forehead
make sure the covers are keeping you warm. .an I tell u sleep good an don’t let the bed bugs bite
an have sweet dreams know I am thinking of u ........................
Jacks Be Quick 3-11-2013 4:52 PM
Tonight you sleep good an dream happy thoughts let me tell you a story..............there’s this ..............eM.....Magical sort of fellow
who has found himself . . . . out in the middle of .......the dark side of the moon (great album Floyd) back to the story
an has to listen . . to all the animals in the world barking . .an all the things they do . . .an he is heck of a guy
an all of a tonight . . .make sure you have rain clothes for tomorrow . .tea an know you are loved
by many one who is your only one .........loves u more then all the rest combined . . an pat do not wipe . .
Jacks Be Quick 3-12-2013 4:52 PM
Let me end this with a bed time story if that is ok by u.............there was this girl an guy . . the most special couple of the land . . almost a fairy
tail romance for many decades .. . .. an one day climbing they both went over the hill an far away an when they turned around . they could
not see what direction the other I must slow this down cause its time for someone to go to bed. . .. . but just to make you
eager on how the next part goes . . .. . these two are a love story the world has been astonished by for a long time an with any love story
they always end with a happy ending ............ can not tell u any more ................ time for bed . . sleep good . .an dream about the man that
loves you all of his life ......................sweet dreams..................................sweet dreams ...........sweet dreams ..........
MEEKAKITTY       MEEKAKITTY@everybody 3-19-2013 6:59 PM
when I see you . . . im going to kiss you .............and hold you an never let you go . ............ one long kiss
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