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View Categories > A forum dedicated to sports > Friday treadmill weights
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Frankie 7-26-2024 12:09 PM
45 minutes treadmill
15 minutes weight's
Mother 🙏👍🙏 Mary
Dad 👍
Pedro       45 minutes treadmill 8-9-2024 6:48 PM
Now diane
Mother 🙏👍🙏 Mary
Dad 👍
Pedro       45 minutes treadmill plus no weights 8-16-2024 1:07 PM
Mother 🙏👍🙏 Mary
Dad 👍
Pedro       45 minutes no weights 8-23-2024 11:56 AM
Mother 🙏👍🙏 Mary
good with right side hurting
45 minutes no weights       Dad mom 8-30-2024 2:19 PM
Mother 🙏👍🙏 Mary
Pedro       45 minutes 9-6-2024 1:40 PM
Mother 🙏👍🙏 Mary
All times are MT (US).
All dates are in Month-Day-Year format.
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